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Suez Weekly Market Monitor

Derek Mumford
December 6, 2007

ERCOT power prices began the week on a downward path and continued as midweek approached. The week ended with prices continuing in a downward path.

ERCOT prompt month finished the week at $50.02, down 3.84% or $1.92.

ERCOT ‘Cal ‘08 closed at $63.48MWh, down 4.67%.

ERCOT ‘Cal ‘09 closed at $63.33/MWh, down 3.51%.

ERCOT ‘Cal ‘10 closed at $61.85/MWh, down 2.40%.

The prompt month on peak for the Houston Zone finished at $56.52/MWh, and the prompt month North Zone on peak finished at $50.02/MWh.

Northeast power prices started the week on a steady path and moved downwards as midweek approached. The week ended with power prices continuing in a downward path.

NYISO Zone J on peak prompt month closed the week at $102.65/MWh decreasing $7.15/MWh, an decrease of 6.97% from last week.

NYISO Zone A on peak prompt month finished at $71.40/ MWh, a decrease of $2.60/MWh or 3.64%.

Massachusetts NEMA on peak prompt month closed at $86.48/MWh, a decrease of 2.89% or $2.50/MWh.

Massachusetts SEMA on peak prompt month finished the week at $88.48/MWh, decreasing 3.11% or $2.75/MWh.

PJM Power
PJM power prices started the week on a steady path and decreased slightly at mid week. The week closed with prices continuing on a decreasing path.

Cinergy on peak prompt month finished last week at $60.54/MWh, a change of 4.29%, decreasing $2.60/MWh.

NI Hub on peak prompt month finished the same week with a decrease of $1.94/MWh closing at $60.26/MWh, a change of 3.21%.

PJM West Hub on peak prompt month decreased $3.84/ MWh closing at $71.64/MWh, a change of 5.36%.

PSEG on peak prices for the prompt month closed at $84.65/MWh, a change of 3.93%, down $3.33/MWh.

Natural Gas Market
Natural gas prices started the week on a declining path and leveled off at midweek. Natural gas prices finished the week on a declining path.

NYMEX prices for the prompt month finished the week at $7.30/MMBtu.

NYMEX Cal ‘08 closed at $7.55/MMBtu, a change of -6.37%, down $-0.48/MMBtu.

NYMEX Cal ‘09 finished the week at $8.17/MMBtu; NYMEX Cal ‘10 closed at $8.20/MMBtu.

Algonquin, Transco Z6, and Tetco M3 prompt month basis to NYMEX closed at $1.16/ MMBtu, $1.49/MMBtu and $1.00/MMBtu.

NYMEX crude prompt month prices closed at $88.71/BBL, a change of -10.68% or -$9.47 from the previous week.

Natural Gas Storage: Gas in Storage Decreased 12 Bcf
Working gas in storage was 3,528 Bcf as of Friday, November 23, 2007, according to EIA estimates.

This represents a net decline of 12 Bcf from the previous week.

Stocks were 106 Bcf higher than last year at this time and 301 Bcf above the 5-year average of 3,227 Bcf.

In the East Region, stocks were 95 Bcf above the 5-year average following net withdrawals of 14 Bcf.

Stocks in the Producing Region were 157 Bcf above the 5-year average of 917 Bcf after a net injection of 3 Bcf.

Stocks in the West Region were 49 Bcf above the 5-year average after a net drawdown of 1 Bcf.

At 3,528 Bcf, total working gas is above the 5-year historical range.


Derek Mumford
Energy Analyst
Suez Energy Resources
December 6, 2007

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