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Iran & Oil

Clive Maund
Oct 07th, 2024

After a long epoch of relative peace and prosperity for many that began after the end of the 2nd World War and continued up until the inception of the Covid power play at the end of 2019, the world has entered a time of tumultuous change and upheaval that looks set to continue at least until the end of this decade.

The central reason for these changes is that, confronted with the growing ascent of Asian powers and the impending collapse of the debt based financial system in the West that threatens to eliminate the dollar as the world reserve currency, the entrenched Neocon – Zionist forces that control the United States have mobilized to assert their hegemony through the use of force.

The process started late in 2019 through 2021 with the Covid Plandemic and vaccination campaign whose purpose was the implementation of dictatorial powers globally and to control and eventually cull large numbers of people deemed to be superfluous, especially given that they can increasingly be replaced by AI and robots.

Then we saw the attack on the food supply through the burning down of countless food processing plants and the deployment of weather weapons to wreck harvests etc, which is ongoing as we have just seen in the Carolinas where it is understood that the plan is to herd the local population into 15 minute cities and start large scale lithium mining which the locals were in the way of.

We have also witnessed the assertion or attempted assertion of global dominance over the BRICS through military means in 3 main theaters – the Ukraine as a springboard to attack Russia, Israel mobilising to expand its territory in pursuit of its dream of a Greater Israel to be achieved via the elimination of the Palestinians and the beating down and subjugating of all the Arab and Muslim states surrounding it and lastly Taiwan which is to be used as a springboard to attack China. The reason that conflict is inevitable and has already started is that the intended victims of all this aggression have an aversion to being killed or subjugated and a natural motivation to fight back.

With respect to the first theater of operation, the Ukraine, which was used as a vehicle to attack Russia financially and militarily in order to bring it down, the hegemon’s plans have not gone at all well. Russia’s invasion of Eastern Ukraine, which was to protect the oppressed ethnic Russians there from abuse and stop Ukraine’s forward deployment of missiles in the region to threaten Russia, was used as an excuse by the West to impose heavy sanctions on it. These sanctions have backfired badly as Russia simply turned to Eastern markets and so Europe has been left “hanging in the wind” with Germany’s economy in particular being wrecked by having its access to cheap energy from Russia cut off. Russia meanwhile has gone from strength to strength and its economy is booming. Militarily the campaign has been a disaster for the West which thought it could defeat Russia by funnelling vast quantities of arms and military equipment and cash to it, as well as clandestine military advisors and mercenaries etc. Russia’s disciplined, serious and professional army has relentlessly ground all of it down so that Ukraine has no more troops to feed into the “meat grinder” and is now reduced to conscripting old men and teenagers. Meanwhile most of the arms and military equipment have been wrecked and can’t be replaced fast enough because Europe and the US no longer have the industrial capacity to produce it at a sufficient rate but on the plus side the destruction of all this kit makes possible generous resupply contracts from US arms manufacturers to the great benefit of all who expedite this. The final ploy, which was to supply Ukraine with highly sophisticated missiles with which to strike targets deep in Russia failed when Russia, via back channels, made it plain that if this plan was signed off on, it would be seen as a declaration of war and that Russia would then nuke the West. Keir Starmer, the British Prime Minister, flew to the US with all the papers ready to sign, but then backed off at the last minute. Russia has therefore succeeded in facing down the West.

This is not to say, however, that nothing has been achieved by Zelensky and the West. Zelensky (himself a Jew) has succeeded in clearing Ukraine of its population so that it can now be taken over a new Jewish homeland – what is now Ukraine is geographically the old Jewish Khazaria hundreds of years ago. Meanwhile, Blackrock and Vanguard have acquired vast tracts of land in the Ukraine. In addition he has been able to funnel a good portion of the billions of dollars so generously given by US taxpayers into the pockets of himself and his fellow gangsters in Ukraine and to US politicians and arms manufacturers. So there is certainly a silver lining to it all for some.

Another huge benefit to the US empire from all that has happened this decade so far is that Europe has effectively been neutered as a major economic player on the world stage. They have skillfully steered Europe into committing economic suicide. First they blew up the Nordstream pipeline, cutting off Europe’s Access to cheap Russian energy which would also have fostered general economic cooperation between Europe and Russia then they propagandized Europe into believing that Russia was their enemy when the truth is that Russia only ever wanted cordial and friendly relations with the West. It’s worth keeping in mind that the Neocons are largely a bunch of nasty old men (sometimes younger men) who grew up hating Russia as the Soviet Union, still have this mindset, and still want to conquer it. For them the world is a chess board and they’ve got no problem killing millions or even billions of people to gain a tactical advantage. So Europe has wasted billions of euros supporting Ukraine in its hostilities with Russia which has been money pushed straight down the drain. How was all of this possible? – how could European leaders have been this stupid? – the answer is that they are all, with the honorable exception of the leaders of Hungary and Serbia, corrupt and bought off by The Hegemon. Basically Europe is a collection of servile vassal states that take their marching orders from Washington.

Now we come to the second theater of operation, the Mid-East, which is the subject of this article because of its possible impact on the oil price. (the 3rd theater of operation, Taiwan, doesn’t warrant much attention at this juncture, because the action there hasn’t started yet). Israel and the (Zionist) US are in a race against time and moving to assert dominance over the region before the BRICS gain too much power and the dollar collapses. Once the dollar collapses they will no longer be in a position to do this. Israel has never made any secret of the fact that it has no intention of living in peace and harmony with its Arab neighbors – it intends to dominate them and subjugate them and kill them if they get in the way, as is now obvious to anyone. Its territorial aspirations are shown on the following map…

The march towards a greater Israel has already begun with the ongoing elimination of the Palestianians in Gaza and increasingly on the West Bank and now they are moving to obliterate and take over southern Lebanon but the biggest prize is of course Iran which they have managed to goad into lobbing a load of missiles at them.

Now how, you may ask, can a currently tiny country with a population of only 9 million aspire to dominate the entire Mid-East? Where does it get the economic and military power to do this? The answer is simple – Jews / Israel control the United States which they can direct to do anything they want, as Ariel Sharon once said “Don’t worry, we control America”. Think of Israel as a farmer at a State fair leading a prize bull around that has a ring through its nose and you will understand the relationship. Don’t believe me? – watch Benjamin Nethanyahu’s recent address to Congress where an already convicted war criminal was given more than 50 standing ovations. By chance I happened to watch this speech live. Having seen some of Biden’s singularly unimpressive speeches I thought to myself “There – there’s the real President of the United States!” To Nethanyahu’s credit he at least dressed in an appropriate manner for the occasion, unlike Zelensky who looks like he’s fresh from a dumpster diving expedition and he presented some convincing arguments for those who have no knowledge of history and are susceptible to being continuously lied to and are bought off, which pretty much all of Congress is. After watching this I realized that there is no hope for the US which is now a “tear down” – the corruption is now so total that the country has to collapse and start over. Trump is not the solution.

So, since Israel draws its limitless economic and military support from the US, which it controls, it is clear that the way to bring it to heel is to drastically reduce the economic power of the US and that can only be achieved by the world abandoning the US dollar standard. This is what the BRICS is all about and the BRICS are rapidly expanding with many new countries joining and at some point they will probably introduce a gold-backed currency. The BRICS look set to make major strides at the upcoming KAZAN conference starting on the 22nd of this month. It is the advance of the BRICS and the concomitant move away from the dollar that is impelling the US Neocons with a sense of urgency to assert dominance by the use of force.

This brings us to the immediate question of Iran. Having lobbed a load of missiles at Israel on the 1st of this month, which had a measure of success but clearly did not neutralize its air force which continues to wreak havoc on Gaza and Lebanon, the world now waits for the expected Israeli counter attack. Israel likes to cause wanton destruction on a massive scale as we have all seen on our televisions and clearly they will attempt to inflict this on Iran, which has been a Neocon – Zionist ambition for decades so the question is, can Iran protect itself both from attack by Israeli warplanes and missiles? It is understood that Russia has sent quite advanced systems but it is not known if they are “up to the task”. So, we will just have to wait and see. It is also believed that Iran has some hypersonic missiles in reserve that could cause serious devastation in Israel. This is a situation that could easily get out of hand as it cannot be ruled out, especially with Nethayahu in command, that Israel won’t use its arsenal of nukes on Iran, and Iran always has the option of blocking the Straits of Hormuz through which some 30% of the world’s oil flows. Complicating the situation still further is that the Globalists may want this to happen as if the oil price spikes and the world economy collapses, they can then blame it on Iran rather than the real reason which is many years of exponentially expanding debt and money creation. This alone makes such a calamitous train of events more likely.

In considering the likelihood of Israel bombing Iran’s oil facilities we must take account of what may be termed “differential advantage”. A fine example of this is The Hegemon’s recent sabotage of the European economy by blowing up the Nordstream pipeline and starting a war in Europe – everyone suffers but the US suffers less, so this is considered an advantage (by the Hegemon). So if we now factor in that China is much more dependent on Iranian oil than the US is – it’s believed to import something like 40% of its oil from Iran – then the motivation for Israel to strike Iran’s oil facilities and encourage Iran to block the Straits of Hormuz becomes clear – it will be to disadvantage Iran. Higher oil prices also benefit powerful vested interests. Bombing Iran is also a direct way to punish a BRICS nation. Where the situation becomes a lot more dangerous is if Russia and even China take exception to Iran being subjected to heavy bombing campaigns. Both have good relations with Iran which they view as an important strategic and trading partner. In this case we may see one or both step in to defend Iran and then we really are looking at a Third World War.

So, this is a very dangerous time and an attack on Iran may be imminent. For those of you who are of a more esoteric persuasion, the astrology of this time is also exceptional, for we have a bright comet, soon to be visible in the evening sky with a possibly long tail, which traditionally is considered to be a harbinger of major events, an asteroid whirling around very close to the Earth, an annular eclipse of the Sun a day after Iran blasted Israel with missiles, and Pluto (symbolizing among other things mass destruction and ruling nuclear power) stationary in the last degree of Capricorn (government and structures etc). So, to put it mildly, we live in interesting times).

Now to review briefly the latest charts for Crude Oil.

Starting with the 8-month chart for Light Crude, we see that, hardly surprisingly, it has risen sharply over the past week in response to Iran’s missile attack on Israel, for the obvious reason that this invites a counter strike from Israel, that may include attacks on Iran’s oil facilities, made more likely, as mentioned above, by it being an opportunity to get at China, which imports a lot of Iranian oil. If this happens then oil could “go ballistic”, although this might perhaps be considered a poor choice of words given the circumstances. Right now this is a heavily lopsided trade, with a lot of speculators betting on this with Calls etc, so if the attack doesn’t happen almost immediately, the price could back off, especially as we would ordinarily call oil a short here as its overall trend is down with its moving averages in bearish alignment and it has risen up into a zone of resistance.

Looking now at the 5-year chart for Light Crude it looks like a large top has been forming since mid-2021, especially given that the world economy is tipping into recession / depression as the gargantuan debt bubble readies to pop but as this chart also shows, freak moves can occur, as happened during the Covid plunge in the Spring of 2020 and if Israel knocks out a significant part of Iran’s oil facilities, then it could spike in the other direction and easily fly off the top of the chart.

Finally, Israel’s actions demonstrate that it has no understanding of the laws of karma and is imbued with a sense of absolute impunity and this is not confined to the political class or to the military for the ordinary people demonstrating on the streets in Israel are only concerned for the fate of the hostages and couldn’t care less about the thousands of Palestinians who have been slaughtered, many of whom are children. So, as surely as night follows day, Israel will in the future and perhaps the not too distant future, as Benjamin Netanyahu is fond of saying “pay a very heavy price” for what it has done.

End of update.

Posted at 11.00 am EDT on 5th October 24.

Clive Maund
Oct 07th, 2024

Clive Maund is an English technical analyst, holding a diploma from the Society of Technical Analysts, Cambridge and lives in The Lake District, Chile.

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